Publications of Allen Forte
Books |
- Contemporary Tone-Structures, Columbia, 1955.
- Tonal Harmony in Concept and Practice, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1962. Third Edition, 1979.
- The Structure of Atonal Music, Yale University Press, 1973
- The Harmonic Organization of The Rite of Spring, Yale University Press, 1978. Paperback edition to be issued Fall, 2005 (ISBN 0-300-10537-1).
- Introduction to Schenkerian Analysis (with Steven E. Gilbert), W. W. Norton & Co., 1982.
Click the thumbnails below for more information.
The American Popular Ballad of the Golden Era, 1924-1950.
Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995.
The Atonal Music of Anton Webern.
New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1998.
Listening to Classic American Popular Songs New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2001
With a companion CD featuring Richard Lalli and Gary Chapman |
Articles (selective) |
- "The
Structural Origin of Exact Tempi in the Brahms-Haydn Variations,"
The Music Review, May, 1957.
- "Schenker's
Conception of Musical Structure," Journal of Music Theory,
April, 1959.
- "A
Theory of Set-Complexes for Music," Journal of Music Theory,
Winter, 1964. "A Program for the Analytical Reading of Scores,"
Journal of Music Theory, Winter, 1966.
- "Sets
and Non-Sets in Schoenberg's Atonal Music," Perspectives
of New Music, Fall-Winter, 1972.
- "Schoenberg's
Creative Evolution: The Path to Atonality," The Musical Quarterly,
Vol. LXIV, No. 2, April, 1978: 133-176.
- "Aspects
of Rhythm in Webern's Atonal Music," Music Theory Spectrum
2, 1980.
- "Generative
Chromaticism in Mozart's Music," The Musical Quarterly, October,
- "Middleground
Motives in the Adagietto of Mahler's Fifth Symphony," 19th
Century Music, Vol. VIII, No. 2, Fall, 1984.
- "Liszt's
Experimental Music and Music of the Early Twentieth Century,"
19th Century Music, Volume X, number 3 (1987): 209-28.
- "The
Mask of Tonality: Alban Berg's Symphonic Epilogue to Wozzeck,"
In Robert P. Morgan and David Gable, eds., Alban Berg: Analytical
and Historical Perspectives, Oxford University Press, 1991: 151-200.
- "New
Approaches to the Linear Analysis of Music," Journal of the
American Musicological Society, Vol. XLI, No. 2, Summer, 1988:
315-348. "Pitch-Class Set Genera and the Origin of Modern
Harmonic Species," Journal of Music Theory, Vol. 32, No.
2, Fall, 1988, 187-270.
- "Debussy
and the Octatonic." Music Analysis, Vol. 10:1-2, 1991, 125-169.
- "Concepts
of Linearity in Schoenberg's Atonal Music: A Study of the Opus
15 Song Cycle." Journal of Music Theory, Vol. 36/2, Fall
1992, 285-382.
- "Secrets
of Melody: Line and Design in the Songs of Cole Porter" The
Musical Quarterly, Vol. 77, No. 4, Winter, 1993, 607-647.
- "The
Golden Thread: Octatonic Music in Webern's Early Songs."
In Kathryn Bailey, Webern Studies. Cambridge University Press,
- "Reflections
upon the Gershwin - Berg Connection." The Musical Quarterly,
Summer 1999, Vol. 83, No. 2: 150-168.
- Responses
to Papers read at New England Conference of Music Theorists (NECMT
2000) published in the online journal, Music
Theory Online,
Number 6.3, August, 2000.
- Olivier Messiaen as Serialist, Music Analysis 21/1, March 2002
- Introduction to a Theory of Intervallic Harmony. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Music Theory. Tallinn, Estonia, April 2003
- Messiaens Chords to be published in Messiaen: Music, Art and Literature, London: Ashgate Press, Spring 2005.
- Messiaens Mysterious Birds in a collection to be published by Oxford University Presses, 2005.
- Two Chapters from my book, The American Popular Ballad, translated into Italian to be published in Italy.